Könyv: Total English - Alapszint - 1. egység – 1. lecke
Itt találja a Total English Elementary tankönyv 1. fejezetének 1. leckéjének szókészletét, például "Görögország", "Iráni", "Japán" stb.
a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany, Slovakia, Poland, and Austria

Cseh Köztársaság

referring to something or someone that is related to or comes from the Czech Republic

cseh, cseh (melléknév)

a country in Europe known for its famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower

Franciaország, a Franciaország

a country located in central Europe, known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and thriving economy


a country with a long history and rich culture located in South Eastern Europe and Northern Mediterranean Sea


referring to something that is related to Poland, its people, language, culture, or products

lengyel, lengyel nő

a country that is mainly in Western Asia with a small part in Southeast Europe


relating to the country, people, culture, or language of Turkey

török, török nyelvű

a large island country in Southwest Pacific Ocean, known for its unique wildlife such as kangaroos


a country that is in the southern part of South America

Argentína, Argentin Köztársaság

relating to the country, people, culture, or language of Argentina

argentin, argentinai