Könyv: Total English - Középhaladó - 5. egység – Referencia
Itt találja a Total English Pre-Intermediate tankönyv 5. fejezetének – Referencia – szókincsét, például „fizetés”, „középkorú”, „diplomás” stb.
a young person who is in the process of becoming an adult
serdülő, ifjú
a child who is very young, usually too young to walk or speak
baba, csecsemő
a young person who has not reached puberty or adulthood yet
gyermek, kicsi
(of a person) approximately between 45 to 65 years old, typically indicating a stage of life between young adulthood and old age
középkorú, középkorban
no longer working, typically because of old age
nyugdíjas, visszavonult
a young child who is starting to learn how to walk
toddler, kisgyerek
to get money for the job that we do or services that we provide
keresni, bevételezik
an amount of money we receive for doing our job, usually monthly
having formally agreed to marry someone
eljegyzett, eljegyzett nő
to finish a university, college, etc. study course successfully and receive a diploma or degree
diplomázni, tanulmányokat befejezni
to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety
gondoskodni valakiről, figyelni valakire
to leave your job and stop working, usually on reaching a certain age
nyugdíjba vonul, visszavonul
to exchange information or knowledge that was missed or overlooked
felzárkózni, frissíteni
to no longer be friends with someone as a result of an argument
veszekedni, barátságot megszakítani
to have a good, friendly, or smooth relationship with a person, group, or animal
jól kijönni, jó kapcsolatot kialakítani
to leave the house and attend a specific social event to enjoy your time
kimenni, elmenni valahová
to be no longer in contact with a friend or acquaintance
(of a person) doing many things with a lot of energy
aktív, cselekvő
any physical activity that is performed with the goal of improving or maintaining one's physical fitness, health, and overall well-being
fizikai gyakorlat, fizikai aktivitás
in a way that promotes or supports good health
egészségesen, egészségtudatos módon
unhealthy food, containing a lot of fat, sugar, etc.
gyorskaja, egészségtelen étel
in a way that shows a good or optimistic attitude, expressing approval, joy, or support
pozitívan, pozitív módon
to feel upset and nervous because we think about bad things that might happen to us or our problems
aggódni, nyugtalankodni
any type of substance that one uses to add more color or definition to one's face in order to alter or enhance one's appearance
to be in contact with someone, particularly by seeing or writing to them regularly