a disease caused by severe lack of vitamin C
skorbut, skorbut betegség
a group of game birds such as quails, partridges or grouses, typically consisting of six to twelve birds
madár csapat, csapat
the act of imitating for the purpose of ridiculing satirically or ironically
paródia, irogéteres utánzás
the feeling or state of being unwilling or uncertain to do something
a place where bees are kept and honey is produced
méhészet, méhtelep
a court based on the principle of equity which grants remedies other than monetary damages
kancellária, egyenlőségi bíróság
expensive or showy clothes and accessories, especially those worn on special occasions
díszes ruha, elegáns öltözet
the quality of always acting or being the same way, or having the same opinions or standards
konzisztencia, állandóság
a bow perfomed by women or girls to pay respect or greet
kisasszonyok kúgója, hajlás
an area usually a farm or a hothouse where vines are grown
szőlészet, szőlőültetvény
the dominance or control exercised by one group, entity, or state over others, especially in the realms of politics, culture, or ideology
hegemónia, dominancia
(physics) the idea that the laws of physics should remain the same if to switch left and right or up and down
paritás, szimmetria
a factory in which a natural substance such as oil or sugar is made pure by removing all other substances from it
someone who is killed or wounded during a war or an accident
áldozat, sebesült
a state of being perplexed or uncertain about how to proceed in a situation that is difficult
dilemma, zűrzavar