Az Érzékszervi Tapasztalatokat Leíró Melléknevek - A szaglás melléknevei
Ezek a jelzők a környezetünkben előforduló aromák és szagok változatos skáláját írják le.
having a strong, sharp smell or taste that can be overpowering and somewhat unpleasant
csípős, éles
breaking down and rotting, typically referring to organic material
rothadó, bűzös
(of food) having a spoiled or decomposed smell, typically due to the breakdown of fats or oils
romlott, korpás
emitting an extremely strong and unpleasant odor
bűzös, szörnyű szagú
possessing a distinct or recognizable scent, often unpleasant
szagos, büdös
infused or treated with a fragrance, typically through the application of a scented substance like perfume, to impart a pleasant smell
illatú, parfűmös
having a stale and old smell, often suggesting a lack of freshness or cleanliness
párás, avitt
having a taste or smell that is reminiscent of citrus fruits, like lemons, oranges, or limes
citrusos, citrus ízű