Idő- és Helyhatározói Melléknevek - Helynévi melléknevek
Ezek a melléknevek segítenek közvetíteni egy adott entitáshoz vagy eseményhez kapcsolódó térbeli pozicionálást, például „belül”, „kívül”, „felül”, „alul” stb.
located at the highest physical point or position within a structure, object, or area

felső, legfelső

(of a place or space) located outside in a natural or open-air setting, without a roof or walls

szabadtéri, kinti

situated or happening below the surface of a body of water

víz alatti, víz alatti lévő

situated, operating, or existing beneath the surface of the ground

földalatti, földalatti rendszer

related to or positioned at the front part of an object, structure, or entity

frontalis, elülső

situated, occurring, or existing beneath the surface of the earth

föld alatti, subterrán

located or originating in a foreign country, often one that is across the sea from one's own

tengerentúli, külföldi

situated or occurring in the sea, typically away from the shore or coast

offshore, nyílt vízi

relating to the northern or more rural areas of a state, often distant from large cities

állam északi, falusi

located at the farthest point from the center or inside of something

legkülső, legelőrébb

toward or within the central or main business area of a town or city

a belváros felé, a belvárosban

existing or situated all around something or someone

körülvevő, környezetben lévő

located on a lower floor of a building, particularly the ground floor

alsó, földszinti