Akadémiai IELTS (5-ös Sáv és Alatta) - Education
Itt megtudhat néhány, az oktatáshoz kapcsolódó angol szót, amelyek szükségesek a Basic Academic IELTS vizsgához.
someone who is not present at school, work, etc. when they are supposed to be

távollévő, hiányzó

a document that outlines the topics, assignments, and expectations for a course

tantárgyi követelmény, szillabusz

a talk given to an audience about a particular subject to educate them, particularly at a university or college

előadás, leckézés

a letter or number given by a teacher to show how a student is performing in class, school, etc.

jegy, fokozat

a letter or number given by a teacher to show how good a student's performance is; a point given for a correct answer in an exam or competition

jegy, pont

a book used for the study of a particular subject, especially in schools and colleges

tankönyv, oktatási könyv

an experienced teacher at a university or college who specializes in a particular subject and often conducts research

professzor, oktató

a branch or an area of knowledge that we study at a school, college, or university

tárgy, tantárgy

an institution that offers higher education or specialized trainings for different professions

főiskola, egyetem

a large organization that serves a religious, educational, social, or similar function

intézmény, szervezet

the certificate that is given to university or college students upon successful completion of their course

diploma, fokozat

the action of successfully finishing studies at a high school or a university degree

ballagás, diploma

to finish a university, college, etc. study course successfully and receive a diploma or degree

diplomázni, tanulmányokat befejezni

to get the necessary grades in an exam, test, course, etc.

átmenni, sikeresen teljesíteni

to study or practice taught lessons again, particularly to prepare for an examination

áttekinteni, újra megvizsgálni

to give a short and simplified version that covers the main points of something

összefoglalni, röviden összefoglalni

to test a person's knowledge or skills in a certain subject by asking them questions or asking them to do a specific task

vizsgálni, értékelni

to express the meaning of something written or spoken with a different choice of words

parafrázisálni, módosítani

to give specific tasks, duties, or responsibilities to individuals or groups

kiadni, megbízni

to express or simplify something in the form of a formula or equation

megfogalmazni, képletbe foglalni