
Akademicki IELTS (Pasmo 5 i Niżej) - Education

Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów związanych z edukacją, które są niezbędne do egzaminu Basic Academic IELTS.









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Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (5)

someone who is not present at school, work, etc. when they are supposed to be

nieobecny, brakujący

nieobecny, brakujący

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a document that outlines the topics, assignments, and expectations for a course

syllabus, program studiów

syllabus, program studiów

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a talk given to an audience about a particular subject to educate them, particularly at a university or college

wykład, lekcja

wykład, lekcja

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schoolwork that students have to do at home

prace domowe, zadanie domowe

prace domowe, zadanie domowe

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a task given to a student to do

zadanie, przydział

zadanie, przydział

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a letter or number given by a teacher to show how a student is performing in class, school, etc.

ocena, stopień

ocena, stopień

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a letter or number given by a teacher to show how good a student's performance is; a point given for a correct answer in an exam or competition

ocena, punkt

ocena, punkt

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a book used for the study of a particular subject, especially in schools and colleges

podręcznik, książka do nauki

podręcznik, książka do nauki

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an experienced teacher at a university or college who specializes in a particular subject and often conducts research

profesor, wykładowca

profesor, wykładowca

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a branch or an area of knowledge that we study at a school, college, or university

temat, przedmiot

temat, przedmiot

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a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject

kurs, lekcja

kurs, lekcja

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an institution that offers higher education or specialized trainings for different professions

college, uniwersytet

college, uniwersytet

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a large organization that serves a religious, educational, social, or similar function

instytucja, organizacja

instytucja, organizacja

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each of the two periods into which a year at schools or universities is divided



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the certificate that is given to university or college students upon successful completion of their course

dyplom, stopień

dyplom, stopień

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the action of successfully finishing studies at a high school or a university degree

ukończenie studiów, matura

ukończenie studiów, matura

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to graduate

to finish a university, college, etc. study course successfully and receive a diploma or degree

ukończyć studia, zdobyć dyplom

ukończyć studia, zdobyć dyplom

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to attend

to go to school, university, church, etc. periodically

uczęszczać, brać udział

uczęszczać, brać udział

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to pass

to get the necessary grades in an exam, test, course, etc.

zdać, uchwalić

zdać, uchwalić

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to review

to study or practice taught lessons again, particularly to prepare for an examination

powtarzać, przeglądać

powtarzać, przeglądać

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to read

to look at written or printed words or symbols and understand their meaning



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to note

to record something in writing

notować, zapiswać

notować, zapiswać

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to summarize

to give a short and simplified version that covers the main points of something

podsumować, streszczać

podsumować, streszczać

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to examine

to test a person's knowledge or skills in a certain subject by asking them questions or asking them to do a specific task

zdawać, oceniać

zdawać, oceniać

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to participate

to join in an event, activity, etc.

uczestniczyć, brać udział

uczestniczyć, brać udział

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to paraphrase

to express the meaning of something written or spoken with a different choice of words

parafrazować, przeformułować

parafrazować, przeformułować

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to assign

to give specific tasks, duties, or responsibilities to individuals or groups

przydzielić, wyznaczyć

przydzielić, wyznaczyć

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to formulate

to express or simplify something in the form of a formula or equation

formułować, wyrażać w postaci wzoru

formułować, wyrażać w postaci wzoru

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to register

to enter one's name in a list of an institute, school, etc.

zarejestrować, zapisać się

zarejestrować, zapisać się

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(of people) being somewhere particular

obecny, obecna

obecny, obecna

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not being tutored at school

niewykształcony, bez wykształcenia

niewykształcony, bez wykształcenia

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having received a good education

wykształcony, kulturalny

wykształcony, kulturalny

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