Phrasal Verbs 'Up' Használatával - Kezdő vagy feltörekvő
(of a computer or electronic device) to start and load the operating system into memory for use
indítani, betölteni
to appear or arise unexpectedly, often referring to a problem, issue, or situation that was not previously anticipated or planned for
felmerülni, megjelenni
to establish a fresh entity, such as a company, system, or organization
megalapítani, beállítani
to experience a rapid and unexpected emergence of a significant number of things
hirtelen megjelenik, gyorsan feltűnik
to begin something, particularly a conversation or relationship
megkezdeni, elkezdeni
to make a new interest or hobby a regular part of one's life
szokássá tenni, új hobbiként elkezdeni
to dedicate one's time and energy to a specific activity or pursuit
szentelni valaminek, foglalkozni valamivel
to be carried to a destination by the force of water
partot mosni, partjára kerülni