Phrasal Verbs 'Up' Használatával - Alkotás vagy készítés
to bring forth something, often from the realm of imagination, as if by enchantment
előhívni, varázsolni
to create a plan, document, or written agreement, often in a formal or official context
megfogalmazni, kidolgozni
to come up with a creative idea, plan, or solution
kitalál, megálmodik
to actively gather and engage individuals by generating interest or excitement through promotion or persuasion
felkelt, generál
to form a group, typically to confront, hurt, or oppose a particular individual or group
összefogni valaki ellen, csoportosulni valaki ellen
to make something quickly and easily, often without much care or effort
gyorsan elkészít, hirtelen összeüt
to stand in a line or row extending in a single direction
sorba állni, felsorakozni
to create a false or fictional story or information
kitalálni, álmodni
to form a line or queue, often with a specific order, while waiting for something
sorban állni, felsorakozni
to hastily create a meal, typically using whatever ingredients are available
hamar elkészíteni egy ételt, improvizálni egy fogást
to bring forth a memory or image, causing one to remember or think about something
felidézni, előhívni
to generate ideas or concepts, often in a creative manner
kitalálni, ötletelni
to invent typically false or exaggerated information in order to create a false idea about someone or something
kitalál, hamisít
to gradually but consistently strive to achieve something or make something happen
fejleszteni, növelni