Oktatás - Részvétel és tevékenységek
Itt elsajátíthat néhány angol szót a részvétellel és az olyan tevékenységekkel kapcsolatban, mint a "látogatás", "tanfolyam" és "szeminárium".
the state of being present at an event or a place
jelenlét, részvétel
the absence or failure to attend a particular event, meeting, or class
távollét, nem megjelenés
the habitual or prolonged absence of individuals from their duties or obligations, typically without valid reasons
a formal record or log where specific information, such as names, dates, or transactions, is systematically recorded
nyilvántartás, regiszter
an official record of a student's academic performance, including grades and courses completed
félév végi áttekintés, vizsgaeredmény
the assignments, projects, and tasks done by students as part of their course of study
kurzuskövetelmények, feladatok
the act or process of looking at a written or printed piece and comprehending its meaning
olvasás, olvasni
the activity or skill of making words on paper or a screen to express ideas or information
the action of reading something aloud from memory, especially in public
a visual or oral communication, typically using slides or other visual aids, delivered to an audience to convey information or persuade them to take some action
prezentáció, bemutató
a talk given to an audience about a particular subject to educate them, particularly at a university or college
előadás, leckézés
a class or course at a college or university in which a small group of students and a teacher discuss a specific subject
szeminárium, tanfolyam
a meeting at which some individuals work on a specific project or subject and exchange information about it
műhely, szeminárium
a formal and academic conference or seminar
kolokvium, szeminárium
a trip made by researchers or students to learn more about something by being close to it
terepi kirándulás, iskolai kirándulás
scientific study or research conducted in the real world and not in a laboratory or class
terepi munka, területkutatás
an activity or program that takes place outside of regular school or work hours, often involving clubs, sports teams, or volunteer organizations
iskolán kívüli tevékenység, kiegészítő program
the routine of transporting children to and from school, typically by parents or guardians
iskolafutás, iskolai szállítás