500 Kata Keterangan Bahasa Inggris yang Paling Umum - 276 - 300 Kata Keterangan Teratas
Di sini Anda diberikan bagian 12 dari daftar kata keterangan paling umum dalam bahasa Inggris seperti "legally", "greatly", dan "north".
Kartu flash
in a manner that is required or allowed by the law
secara hukum, dari segi hukum
directly below something, particularly when concealed by the thing on top
di bawah, di bawahnya
used to emphasize that what follows is the concluding point
akhirnya, terakhir
in a way that is incorrect, inappropriate, or undesirable
salah, secara salah
used to make a negative statement stronger or to ask if something is present or happening to any degree
tidak sama sekali, tidak sedikit pun
used to say that one thing is a result of another
karena itu, oleh karena itu
used to convey that the information presented is based on what others have said
kabarnya, menurut laporan
used to convey that a statement can be supported with reasons or evidence
dapat dianggap, tak dapat disangkal
by chance and without a specific pattern, order, or purpose
secara acak, secara kebetulan
in a manner that is unsatisfactory or improper
dengan buruk, secara tidak memuaskan
used to express a situation or condition that is most desirable
secara ideal, sebaiknya