Penampilan - Corak dan Tanda Kulit
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan warna kulit dan tanda-tandanya seperti "calloused", "freckled", dan "wrinkled".
Kartu flash
having calluses, which are areas of toughened skin caused by repeated friction or pressure
kapalan, kaku
having wrinkles, often due to aging or environmental factors
berkerut, berlipat
having scabs or crusty patches on the surface, often due to healing from an injury or skin condition
kerak, ngelupas
having lines, creases, or folds on the surface, often as a result of aging, sun exposure, or other environmental factors
berkerut, kusut
a small black spot often on the face caused by dirt blocking the small holes in the skin
komedo, titik hitam
a mark or spot on something or someone's skin that spoils the appearance
cacat, noda
a strange mark, usually red in color, on the surface of something or someone's skin
noda, tanda
an area of skin that has turned hard and rough by being constantly exposed to friction
a cheerful, youthful, or healthy glow on someone's face
kemerahan, kilauan
having irregularly shaped or discolored areas on the skin's surface, often due to a rash, allergic reaction, or other skin condition
bercak, bercorak
to crack, split or become rough, typically due to dryness or exposure to cold weather
retak, pecah
a very common skin condition that causes one's skin to become dry, red, itchy, and bumpy
a small brown spot on the skin caused by sunlight exposure or aging
noda hati, noda penuaan
a small, inflamed swelling on the skin that is filled with pus, typically associated with acne
jerawat, bintik
the process of darkening of the skin through exposure to UV rays or artificial methods
penggelapan kulit, tanning
darkened or brown skin caused by long exposure to the sun
kulit cokelat, tan
(of skin) having a dark shade because of direct exposure to sunlight
sengatan, muka cokelat
the darkened or brown color of a person's skin that is caused by spending much time in the sun
kulit cokelat, suntan
(of a person's skin) having a dark color after being exposed to the sun
terbakar matahari, gelap
a brownish or reddish mark that some people have on their skin since they are born
tanda lahir, nevi
a skin condition in which small red spots appear on the face or the neck, mainly affecting teenagers
jerawat, noda wajah
having skin that is suntanned and turned brownish in an attractive way
sangkar, sinar
lines or wrinkles at the outside corner of someone's eye
kaki gagak, keriput di sudut mata
(usually plural) a small light brown spot, found mostly on the face, which becomes darker and larger in number when exposed to the sun
bintik, bintik-bintik
(of a person's skin) having less color than usual, caused by fear, illness, etc.
pucat, putih
an artificial brown skin color that someone has all year long
warna kulit coklat buatan, kulit coklat artifisial
(of skin) covered in small red lumps, called pimples
berjerawat, berbintik kecil
any tiny opening in the skin through which sweat can pass
pori, lubang kulit
a large dark red birthmark, usually on someone's face
noda anggur Port, tanda lahir anggur Port
having a warm, pinkish hue on the face that suggests vitality, cheerfulness, or good health
merah muda, ceria
(of skin) reddened or inflamed by being overly exposed to the sunlight
terbakar sinar matahari, terkena sinar matahari
a design on the skin marked permanently by putting colored ink in the small holes of the skin
a pink or reddish color, especially in the cheeks, has traditionally been considered a sign of good health
kemerahan, noda merah
a small red circle on someone's skin that is raised, particularly on their face
jerawat, titik
a red, raised birthmark caused by an overgrowth of blood vessels near the surface of the skin that typically disappears on its own within a few years
tanda stroberi, nevi stroberi
a small fold or line in a piece of cloth or in the skin, particularly the face
kerutan, lipatan
having numerous pimples or blemishes, often referring to acne-prone skin
berjerawat, berbintik-bintik