Buku English File - Pra-menengah - Pelajaran 10C
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Pelajaran 10C dalam buku pelajaran Pra-Menengah File Bahasa Inggris, seperti "Turk", "Polandia", "Argentina", dll.
Kartu flash
a country in Europe known for its famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower

Prancis, Negara Prancis

a country in the North Western Europe, informally known as Holland

Belanda, Hollandia

the main language of Spain and many Southern or Central American countries

Bahasa Spanyol

someone who is from England or their family came from England

Inggris, Perempuan Inggris

someone who is from Brazil or their family came from Brazil

brasil, perempuan Brasil

someone who is from Russia or their family came from Russia

Rusia, Perempuan Rusia

a country that is in the southern part of South America

Argentina, Republik Argentina

someone who is from Argentina or their family came from Argentina

Argentina, Argentina perempuan

someone who is from Poland or their family came from Poland

Polandia, wanita Polandia