Buku Solutions - Menengah atas - Satuan 5 - 5A
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 5 - 5A dalam buku pelajaran Solusi Menengah Atas, seperti "verbal", "lebih menyanjung", "cerewet", dll.
Kartu flash
the act of communicating or working together with someone or something

interaksi, komunikasi

to tell a person that one admires something about them such as achievements, appearance, etc.

memuji, puji

to highly praise someone in an exaggerated or insincere way, especially for one's own interest

memuji, flatter

to intentionally say or do something that disrespects or humiliates someone

menghina, menyakiti

to give a formal talk or presentation to teach someone or a group

memberikan kuliah, mengajar

to playfully annoy someone by making jokes or sarcastic remarks

menggoda, menyindir

to express sharp disapproval or criticism of someone's behavior or actions

memarahi, menegur

to tell someone in advance about a possible danger, problem, or unfavorable situation

memperingatkan, memberi tahu

someone whose job is to protect people, catch criminals, and make sure that laws are obeyed

petugas polisi, polisi

to express respect toward someone or something often due to qualities, achievements, etc.

mengagumi, menghormati

used to say that one person has the same ideas, opinions, or mentality as another person
used when naming, or giving description or information about people, things, or situations

menjadi, berada

feeling or showing caution and attentiveness regarding possible dangers or problems

waspada, hati-hati

to feel unhappy or irritated because someone else has something that one desires

iri, cemburu

feeling ashamed or sad about something that one has or has not done

menyesal, rasa bersalah

used to express that something is shared or has similarities with someone or something else

secara bersama dengan, mirip dengan

to regard someone or something as inferior or unworthy of respect or consideration

merendahkan, menganggap rendah

to have a great deal of respect, admiration, or esteem for someone

menghormati, mengagumi