Buku Face2face - Menengah - Satuan 1 - 1C
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 1 - 1C di buku pelajaran Face2Face Intermediate, seperti "puas", "muak", "senang", dll.
Kartu flash
an emotional state or sensation that one experiences such as happiness, guilt, sadness, etc.

perasaan, emosi

feeling happy and satisfied with something that has happened or with someone's actions

senang, puas

feeling ashamed and uncomfortable because of something that happened or was said

malu, canggung

not satisfied or happy with something, because it did not meet one's expectations or hopes

kecewa, kecewa

feeling unhappy, worried, or disappointed, often because something unpleasant happened

kekesalan, kecewa

feeling happy because we have what we wanted, or because something has happened the way we wanted

puas, senang

feeling uncertain or not confident about something because it is not clear or easy to understand

bingung, kebingungan

very surprised or upset because of something unexpected or unpleasant

terkejut, kaget

feeling worried or troubled about a particular situation or issue

khawatir, cemas

having a feeling of curiosity or attention toward a particular thing or person because one likes them

tertarik, penasaran

feeling unhappy and afraid because of something that has happened or might happen

khawatir, cemas