
Sách Face2face - Trung cấp - Đơn vị 1 - 1C

Tại đây bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Unit 1 - 1C trong giáo trình Trung cấp Face2Face, chẳng hạn như “hài lòng”, “chán ngấy”, “vui mừng”, v.v.


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Face2face - Intermediate

not meeting the expected standards of performance or quality

xấu, kém

xấu, kém

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an emotional state or sensation that one experiences such as happiness, guilt, sadness, etc.

cảm giác, tình cảm

cảm giác, tình cảm

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feeling calm and at ease without tension or stress

thư giãn, thoải mái

thư giãn, thoải mái

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worried and anxious about something or slightly afraid of it

lo lắng, khó chịu

lo lắng, khó chịu

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feeling happy and satisfied with something that has happened or with someone's actions

hài lòng, vui vẻ

hài lòng, vui vẻ

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feeling ashamed and uncomfortable because of something that happened or was said

lúng túng, xấu hổ

lúng túng, xấu hổ

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feeling very annoyed or upset because of something that we do not like

giận, tức giận

giận, tức giận

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feeling irritated or slightly angry

bực bội, khó chịu

bực bội, khó chịu

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fed up

feeling tired, annoyed, or frustrated with a situation or person

chán nản, bực bội

chán nản, bực bội

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not satisfied or happy with something, because it did not meet one's expectations or hopes

thất vọng, thất vọng

thất vọng, thất vọng

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feeling so anxious that makes one unable to relax

căng thẳng, lo lắng

căng thẳng, lo lắng

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not showing worry, anger, or other strong emotions

bình tĩnh, yên lặng

bình tĩnh, yên lặng

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feeling unhappy, worried, or disappointed, often because something unpleasant happened

buồn bã, khó chịu

buồn bã, khó chịu

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feeling frightened or anxious

sợ hãi, lo âu

sợ hãi, lo âu

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feeling happy because we have what we wanted, or because something has happened the way we wanted

hài lòng, thỏa mãn

hài lòng, thỏa mãn

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feeling uncertain or not confident about something because it is not clear or easy to understand

bối rối, nhầm lẫn

bối rối, nhầm lẫn

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very surprised or upset because of something unexpected or unpleasant

sốc, ngạc nhiên

sốc, ngạc nhiên

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feeling happy, satisfied, or pleased about something

vui, hạnh phúc

vui, hạnh phúc

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feeling worried or troubled about a particular situation or issue

lo lắng, quan tâm

lo lắng, quan tâm

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feeling very unhappy and having no hope

trầm cảm, buồn bã

trầm cảm, buồn bã

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showing exceptional skill or talent in a particular activity or field

tốt, tài năng

tốt, tài năng

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emotionally feeling good

hạnh phúc, vui vẻ

hạnh phúc, vui vẻ

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having a feeling of curiosity or attention toward a particular thing or person because one likes them

quan tâm, hứng thú

quan tâm, hứng thú

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having the ability to learn or understand quickly

nhanh nhạy, thông minh

nhanh nhạy, thông minh

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feeling unhappy and afraid because of something that has happened or might happen

lo lắng, đầy lo âu

lo lắng, đầy lo âu

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feeling or showing shock or amazement

ngạc nhiên, bất ngờ

ngạc nhiên, bất ngờ

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tired and unhappy because there is nothing to do or because we are no longer interested in something

chán, không hứng thú

chán, không hứng thú

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feeling scared or anxious

sợ hãi, lo lắng

sợ hãi, lo lắng

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