Buku Total English - Pra-menengah - Unit 2 - Pelajaran 3
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 2 - Pelajaran 3 dalam buku pelajaran Total Bahasa Inggris Pra-Menengah, seperti "efek", "imajinatif", "argue", dll.
Kartu flash
a change in a person or thing caused by another person or thing
efek, dampak
caring and attentive to the needs, feelings, or well-being of others
perhatian, peduli
the action of providing people with activities, performances, etc. to make them laugh or amuse them
hiburan, kesenangan
an individual with a great amount of knowledge, skill, or training in a particular field
ahli, pakar
to provide reasons when saying something is the case, particularly to persuade others that one is right
berargumentasi, berdebat
to make something smaller in amount, degree, price, etc.
mengurangi, menyusutkan
a type of medicine that is used to reduce or relieve pain
obat penghilang rasa sakit, analgesik
to focus one's all attention on something specific
konsentrasi, memfokuskan
suitable or acceptable for a given situation or purpose
sesuai, pantas
good at learning things, understanding ideas, and thinking clearly
cerdas, pintar
the ability of mind to keep and remember past events, people, experiences, etc.