a cupboard or small room found in people's houses, particularly in the past, in order to store food

gudang, ruang penyimpanan

a grasping tool or instrument consisting of two arms joined at a pivot

penjepit, pinset

a person who is believed to have supernatural insight or the ability to foresee the future

peramal, dukun

a humorous poem of five anapestic lines with a rhyme scheme of AABBA

limerick, puisi lucu

a type of lifting apparatus consisting of a vertical mast and a boom, typically used in construction or oil drilling operations

derrick, crane

an individual who thinks and behaves differently and independently

maverick, penyimpang

the branch of physics that deals with the study of motion and the behavior of physical systems under the action of forces

mekanika, dinamika

the branch of medicine and surgery dealing with pregnancy and childbirth


a plant condition characterized by mottled or variegated patterns on leaves, often caused by viral infections

mozaik, mozaik virus

someone who leads a simple, rural life, often associated with countryside occupations such as farming or shepherding

bucolic, petani

a substance used for cleaning and maintaining oral hygiene

pasta gigi, pembersih gigi

an unreasonable opinion or judgment based on dislike felt for a person, group, etc., particularly because of their race, sex, etc.

prasangka, stigma

a narrow crack or fissure in a surface, often found in rocks, walls, or other solid structures

celah, retakan

a hole or external opening in the body, such as an ear canal or the anus

orifis, lubang