Daftar Kata Level C1 - Perjuangan dan Kemunduran
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris tentang perjuangan dan kemunduran, seperti "bencana", "malapetaka", "pengabaian", dll. yang disiapkan untuk pelajar C1.
Kartu flash
hard to achieve, find, remember, or define
sulit ditemukan, sulit dicapai
not achieving the desired outcome or intended result
tidak efektif, tidak berhasil
not wanted or considered unpleasant
tidak diinginkan, kurang menyenangkan
too intense or powerful to resist or manage effectively
menggugah, menghancurkan
without success or achieving the desired result
secara sia-sia, tak berarti
to intentionally cause something or someone to fail or experience a negative outcome by creating specific conditions
mengutuk, menghancurkan
to fail to do something, particularly as a result of carelessness
mengabaikan, menghiraukan
to cause a person or thing to come across as less significant
mengalahkan, mengaburkan
a failure in the progress or effectiveness of a relationship or system
keruntuhan, perpecahan
a responsibility or task that causes hardship, stress, etc.
beban, tanggung jawab
a horrible event that causes much suffering and damage
bencana, musibah
a situation that shows no signs of progress or improvement
jalan buntu, situasi impasse
an existing weakness or fault in someone or something
kekurangan, defisiensi
a difficulty or problem that must be overcome in order to achieve something
hambatan, kesulitan
difficulties caused by something that makes one irritated or uncomfortable
ketidaknyamanan, masalah
a situation with many problems or difficulties, caused particularly by someone who is careless
kekacauan, kekusutan
a minor accident that has no serious consequences
insiden kecil, kesalahan
circumstances that make it difficult to achieve something
hambatan, kesulitan
a mistake made because of forgetting to do or not noticing something
kelalaian, keterlambatan
a problem that gets in the way of a process or makes it worse
kemunduran, hambatan
an individual, team, etc. who is regarded as weaker compared to others and has little chance of success as a result
underdog, peserta yang tidak diunggulkan
despite a challenging or difficult situation
di depan, dalam menghadapi
causing a negative consequence or cost to someone or something in order to benefit another
dengan mengorbankan, dengan biaya
to leave a place to be safe from a dangerous situation
mengevakuasi, mengosongkan
a principle stating that if there is a possibility for a bad thing to happen, it will happen
to be in a situation where one has to be careful about every decision they make because even one mistake can pose a great risk