Lista de Palabras Nivel C1 - Fracaso
Aquí aprenderás algunas palabras en inglés sobre el fracaso, como "disastrous", "doom", "neglect", etc. preparadas para estudiantes de C1.
Tarjetas de memoria
too intense or powerful to resist or manage effectively

irresistible, aplastante
to intentionally cause something or someone to fail or experience a negative outcome by creating specific conditions

a difficulty or problem that must be overcome in order to achieve something

difficulties caused by something that makes one irritated or uncomfortable

a situation with many problems or difficulties, caused particularly by someone who is careless

a mistake made because of forgetting to do or not noticing something

descuido, omisión
an individual, team, etc. who is regarded as weaker compared to others and has little chance of success as a result

causing a negative consequence or cost to someone or something in order to benefit another

a costa de, a expensas de
a principle stating that if there is a possibility for a bad thing to happen, it will happen