Avverbi di Modo Relativi alle Cose - Avverbi di Regolarità e Irregolarità
Questi avverbi indicano quanto qualcosa sia comune o unico e includono avverbi come "convenzionalmente", "in modo anomalo", "stranamente", ecc.
in a way that is in accordance with established customs, traditions, or usual practices
in accordance with methods, beliefs, or customs that have remained unchanged for a long period of time
in a way that does not stay the same or follow a clear pattern
in a way that is disturbingly interested in dark or unpleasant subjects, especially death or suffering
in a way that is strangely or mysteriously unsettling, often because of its remarkable similarity to something else
in a way that is mysteriously strange or unsettling, often creating an atmosphere of discomfort or fear
in an unusual or strange manner that is different from what is expected