Allenamento Generale IELTS (Banda 6-7) - Emozioni negative
Qui imparerai alcune parole inglesi relative alle emozioni negative necessarie per l'esame IELTS di formazione generale.
the feeling of being impatient, annoyed, or upset because of being unable to do or achieve what is desired

a feeling of dissatisfaction and unhappiness with one's current situation or circumstances

malcontento, insoddisfazione

a feeling and attitude of resentment or hostility towards others, often stemming from past experiences of pain, betrayal, or disappointment

amarezza, risentimento

a feeling of responsibility or remorse arising from a belief that one has committed a wrongdoing or failed to meet a moral standard

colpa, sense di colpa

a sense of great regret that one feels as a result of having done something bad or wrong

a feeling of distress, shyness, or guilt as a result of an uncomfortable situation

great embarrassment as a result of having been made to look stupid

a state of impatience or unease, characterized by a persistent desire for change, action, or relief from a current situation

irrequietezza, agitazione

the negative quality of having doubts about the future and expect the worst possible outcomes

a state of being left behind, deserted, or without support or care

abbandono, desertificazione

the state of being exposed to the possibility of emotional distress


a feeling of annoyance or discomfort caused by something that is bothersome or unpleasant

the feeling of being uninterested or restless because things are dull or repetitive

a state of suffering or misfortune, often accompanied by a sense of grief or sadness

guai, dolore

the state of being dissatisfied, discontented, or unhappy

dispiacere, scontento

the state or condition of not being happy, characterized by feelings of dissatisfaction, discontent, or sorrow

a deep feeling of anger and dislike toward someone because of what they did in the past

responsibility or fault attributed to someone for a mistake, wrongdoing, or undesirable outcome

a state of unease, distress, or agitation experienced psychologically, often stemming from stress, anxiety, or emotional strain

disagio, malessere