Accademico IELTS (Banda 8 e Superiore) - Mangiare e bere
Qui imparerai alcune parole inglesi relative al mangiare e al bere necessarie per l'esame accademico IELTS.
to quaff
to drink a large quantity of a liquid in a hearty, enthusiastic manner

bere avidamente, sorseggiare con entusiasmo

to chug
to consume a beverage, usually a carbonated or alcoholic one, quickly and in large gulps

sorseggiare, ingoiare

to chomp
to chew or bite down on something with a strong, audible, and repeated motion

mordere, masticare

to lap up
to consume a liquid or soft substance with enthusiasm, often using the tongue, as in the manner of an animal drinking or eating

leccare con entusiasmo, bere con avidità


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