a group or set of five things or people
a geometric shape with five angles and five straight sides
a five-pointed star
ペンタグラム, 五芒星
(geometry) a solid figure with five flat faces
a metrical line of poetry consisting of five feet
an athletic competition with five different events
(chemistry) having the ability to bond with five other atoms or molecules
五価の, ペンタバレン
a showy language meant to impress
誇張語, 大げさ
using big words that sound important but mean little
大げさな, 押し付けがましい
to consume food excessively or immoderately
食べ過ぎる, がっつく
sticky and thick, resembling glue in consistency
粘り気のある, 粘着質の
a person who excessively eats and drinks
大食い, 食いしん坊
having an excessive desire to consume more food or drink than is necessary.
大食いの, 貪欲な
excessive and greedy eating, considered one of the seven deadly sins
大食, 暴食
extremely horrible and unpleasant
忌まわしい, ひどい
a vile or wicked action that causes disgust or strong disapproval
忌まわしい行為, 嫌悪
the rate or frequency at which something happens or occurs
発生率, 頻度
relating to the way light falls or strikes upon a surface
入射 (光), 入射 (表面)
happening as a side effect or by chance rather than being the main purpose or focus
偶発的な, 付随的な
used to introduce a different or unrelated topic
ところで, ちなみに