本 Four Corners 3 - ユニット 2 レッスン C
ここでは、「嫌悪感」、「面白い」、「退屈」など、フォー コーナーズ 3 コースブックのユニット 2 レッスン C の語彙を見つけることができます。
to make someone feel upset, shocked, and sometimes offended about something
嫌悪感を抱かせる, 忌避感を与える
to make a person feel ashamed, uneasy, or nervous, especially in front of other people
恥ずかしがらせる, 困惑させる
feeling ashamed and uncomfortable because of something that happened or was said
恥ずかしい, 気まずい
to invite someone to compete or strongly suggest they should do something, often to test their abilities or encourage action
挑戦する, 誘う
requiring significant effort, skill, or determination to overcome or accomplish successfully
挑戦的な, 困難な
to make a person feel interested or happy, particularly about something that will happen soon
興奮させる, ワクワクさせる
to misunderstand or mistake a thing as something else or a person for someone else
混同する, 混乱させる
feeling uncertain or not confident about something because it is not clear or easy to understand
混乱した, 困惑した
to make one's time enjoyable by doing something that is interesting and does not make one bored
楽しませる, 面白がらせる
to find something attractive enough to want to know about it more or keep doing it
興味を持たせる, 興味を持つ
catching and keeping our attention because of being unusual, exciting, etc.
興味深い, 魅力的
having a feeling of curiosity or attention toward a particular thing or person because one likes them
興味のある, 関心のある
to do something that causes a person become uninterested, tired, or impatient
退屈させる, 飽きさせる
tired and unhappy because there is nothing to do or because we are no longer interested in something
退屈な, 興味を失った