
本 Insight - 中上級 - 語彙洞察 5

ここでは、Insight 上級中級コースブックの Vocabulary Insight 5 にある「illustrate」、「excellence」、「quirky」などの単語を紹介します。









Insight - Upper-intermediate
to foot the bill

to accept the financial burden or responsibility for a certain project, service, or event, and pay for it

to chair

to lead a committee or meeting

議長を務める, 運営する

議長を務める, 運営する

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to hammer

to strike repeatedly and forcefully with a blunt object or tool such as a hammer

叩く, ハンマーで打つ

叩く, ハンマーで打つ

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to eye

to look at or observe someone or something in a particular way, often with interest or suspicion

じっくり見る, 観察する

じっくり見る, 観察する

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to screw

to cheat or take advantage of someone unfairly, often for financial gain

だます, 騙す

だます, 騙す

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to elbow

to use one's elbows to forcefully move through a crowd

肘で押しのける, 肘を使って進む

肘で押しのける, 肘を使って進む

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to text

to send a written message using a cell phone

メッセージを送る, テキストする

メッセージを送る, テキストする

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to bookmark

to store the address of a file, website, etc. for faster and easier access

ブックマークする, お気に入りに追加する

ブックマークする, お気に入りに追加する

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to Skype

to contact someone using the Skype application

スカイプする, スカイプで連絡する

スカイプする, スカイプで連絡する

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to head

to move toward a particular direction

向かう, 行く

向かう, 行く

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to illustrate

to explain or show the meaning of something using examples, pictures, etc.

例示する, 説明する

例示する, 説明する

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a picture or drawing in a book, or other publication, particularly one that makes the understanding of something easier

イラスト, 挿絵

イラスト, 挿絵

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to deliver

to bring and give a letter, package, etc. to a specific person or place

配達する, 届ける

配達する, 届ける

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the act or process of taking goods, letters, etc. to whomever they have been sent

配達, 配送

配達, 配送

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to invest

to buy houses, shares, lands, etc. with the hope of gaining a profit

投資する, 置く

投資する, 置く

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the act or process of putting money into something to gain profit



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to fail

to be unsuccessful in accomplishing something

失敗する, うまくいかない

失敗する, うまくいかない

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a particular thing or person that is unsuccessful

失敗, 敗北

失敗, 敗北

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to conclude

to draw a logical inference or outcome based on established premises or evidence

結論を出す, 結ぶ

結論を出す, 結ぶ

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a decision reached after thoroughly considering all relevant information

結論, 決定

結論, 決定

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to reject

to refuse to accept a proposal, idea, person, etc.

拒否する, 却下する

拒否する, 却下する

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the action of refusing to approve, accept, consider, or support something

拒絶, 却下

拒絶, 却下

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completely without mistakes or flaws, reaching the best possible standard

完璧な, 完璧な状態の

完璧な, 完璧な状態の

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he state or quality of being flawless or without any errors



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to arrive

to reach a location, particularly as an end to a journey

到着する, 達する

到着する, 達する

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the act of something or someone emerging or appearing such as a new product or development

到着, 現れること

到着, 現れること

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very good in quality or other traits

優れた, 素晴らしい

優れた, 素晴らしい

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the quality of being extremely good in a particular field or activity



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to refuse

to say or show one's unwillingness to do something that someone has asked

拒否する, 断る

拒否する, 断る

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the act of rejecting or saying no to something that has been offered or requested

拒否, 否認

拒否, 否認

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extremely pleasing to the mind or senses

美しい, 素晴らしい

美しい, 素晴らしい

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the quality of being attractive or pleasing, particularly to the eye



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to believe

to accept something to be true even without proof

信じる, 考える

信じる, 考える

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a strong feeling of certainty that something or someone exists or is true; a strong feeling that something or someone is right or good

信念, 信仰

信念, 信仰

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to hate

to really not like something or someone

憎む, 嫌う

憎む, 嫌う

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a very strong feeling of dislike

憎悪, 嫌悪

憎悪, 嫌悪

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to grow

to get larger and taller and become an adult over time

成長する, 育つ

成長する, 育つ

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the process of physical, mental, or emotional development

成長, 発展

成長, 発展

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unexpected or extreme enough to cause intense surprise or disbelief

衝撃的, 驚くべき

衝撃的, 驚くべき

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a sudden and intense feeling of surprise, distress, or disbelief caused by something unexpected and often unpleasant

ショック, 驚き

ショック, 驚き

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to carry on

to choose to continue an ongoing activity

続ける, 継続する

続ける, 継続する

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to cheer on

to loudly support or encourage someone, especially during a performance or competition

応援する, 声援を送る

応援する, 声援を送る

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to move on

to accept a change or a new situation and be ready to continue with one's life and deal with new experiences, especially after a bad experience such as a breakup

先に進む, 移行する

先に進む, 移行する

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to throw on

to put on a piece of clothing hastily and without care

さっと着る, 適当に着る

さっと着る, 適当に着る

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to switch on

to make something start working usually by flipping a switch

スイッチを入れる, 起動する

スイッチを入れる, 起動する

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to endanger

to expose someone or something to potential harm or risk

危険にさらす, 脅かす

危険にさらす, 脅かす

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to entrust

to give someone the responsibility of taking care of something important, such as a task, duty, or information

委ねる, 託す

委ねる, 託す

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to entitle

to give someone the legal right to have or do something particular

権利を与える, 資格を与える

権利を与える, 資格を与える

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to empower

to give someone the power or authorization to do something particular

権限を与える, エンパワーメント

権限を与える, エンパワーメント

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to enlarge

to increase the size or quantity of something

拡大する, 大きくする

拡大する, 大きくする

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to encourage

to provide someone with support, hope, or confidence

励ます, 勇気づける

励ます, 勇気づける

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to enclose

to surround a place with a fence, wall, etc.

囲む, 封じる

囲む, 封じる

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to enable

to give someone or something the means or ability to do something

可能にする, 有効にする

可能にする, 有効にする

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causing an intense feeling of fear or unease

寒気を催す, 恐ろしい

寒気を催す, 恐ろしい

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a part of something that is considered the most prominent or successful

頂点, ピーク

頂点, ピーク

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the main character in a movie, novel, TV show, etc.

主人公, プロタゴニスト

主人公, プロタゴニスト

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characterized by peculiar or unconventional traits, often in an endearing or charming way

おもしろい, 風変わりな

おもしろい, 風変わりな

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showing no mercy or compassion towards others in pursuit of one's goals

容赦のない, 冷酷な

容赦のない, 冷酷な

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to transcend

to go or be beyond the material or physical aspects of existence, indicating a superior existence or understanding

超える, 越える

超える, 越える

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