بصیرت - اپر انٹرمیڈیٹ - الفاظ کی بصیرت 5
یہاں آپ کو انسائٹ اپر-انٹرمیڈیٹ کورس بک میں Vocabulary Insight 5 کے الفاظ ملیں گے، جیسے "Illustrate"، "Excellence"، "quirky" وغیرہ۔
فلیش کارڈز
to accept the financial burden or responsibility for a certain project, service, or event, and pay for it
to strike repeatedly and forcefully with a blunt object or tool such as a hammer

مارنا, چٹکنا

to look at or observe someone or something in a particular way, often with interest or suspicion

نظارت کرنا, دیکھنا

to cheat or take advantage of someone unfairly, often for financial gain

چالاکی سے دھوکہ دینا, فائدہ اٹھانا

to use one's elbows to forcefully move through a crowd

کونیوں سے دھکیلنا, کونیاں مار کر گزرنا

to store the address of a file, website, etc. for faster and easier access

مارک کرنا, پسندیدہ میں شامل کرنا

to explain or show the meaning of something using examples, pictures, etc.

وضاحت کرنا, ایک مثال کے ذریعے سمجھانا

a picture or drawing in a book, or other publication, particularly one that makes the understanding of something easier

تصویر, عکس

to bring and give a letter, package, etc. to a specific person or place

پہنچانا, ڈلیور کرنا

the act or process of taking goods, letters, etc. to whomever they have been sent

ترسیل, حوالگی

to buy houses, shares, lands, etc. with the hope of gaining a profit

سرمایہ لگانا, انویسٹ کرنا

to draw a logical inference or outcome based on established premises or evidence

نتیجہ نکالنا, خلاصہ کرنا

the act of something or someone emerging or appearing such as a new product or development

پہنچنا, نمودار ہونا

to say or show one's unwillingness to do something that someone has asked

انکار کرنا, رد کرنا

the act of rejecting or saying no to something that has been offered or requested

انکار, رد

a strong feeling of certainty that something or someone exists or is true; a strong feeling that something or someone is right or good

ایمان, اعتقاد

unexpected or extreme enough to cause intense surprise or disbelief

حیران کن, شوک دینے والا

a sudden and intense feeling of surprise, distress, or disbelief caused by something unexpected and often unpleasant

صدمہ, حیرت

to loudly support or encourage someone, especially during a performance or competition

حوصلہ افزائی کرنا, تھیٹر

to accept a change or a new situation and be ready to continue with one's life and deal with new experiences, especially after a bad experience such as a breakup

آگے بڑھنا, منتقل ہونا

to put on a piece of clothing hastily and without care

جلدی پہننا, پہننے کے لیے پھینکنا

to give someone the responsibility of taking care of something important, such as a task, duty, or information

سونپنا, انتقال کرنا

to give someone the legal right to have or do something particular

حق دینا, اختیار دینا

to give someone the power or authorization to do something particular

اختیار دینا, بااختیار کرنا

to give someone or something the means or ability to do something

اجازت دینا, فعالی بنانا

a part of something that is considered the most prominent or successful

عروج, عالی مقام

characterized by peculiar or unconventional traits, often in an endearing or charming way

غیر روایتی, عجیب

showing no mercy or compassion towards others in pursuit of one's goals

بے رحم, شفقت سے عاری