本 Insight - 上級 - ユニット1 - 1C
ここでは、「関連付け」、「信頼関係」、「分離」など、Insight Advanced コースブックのユニット 1 ~ 1C の語彙を見つけることができます。
a language structure that relies on individual words to convey meaning without extensive use of grammatical affixes or word modifications

孤立した, 孤立語

a strong sense of commitment, faithfulness, and devotion towards someone or something

忠誠心, 忠実さ

a strong emotional bond or connection that one feels towards a person or thing

愛着, 感情的なつながり

a close relationship in which there is a good understanding and communication between people

関係, ラポール

treating certain people or groups as less important, often leaving them out or limiting their opportunities

周縁化, 排除

the feeling that one is different from others and therefore not part of a particular group

疎外感, 異質感

feeling isolated, disconnected, or distant from others or from society as a whole

疎外された, 孤立した

making someone feel rejected or excluded, leading to a sense of distance or disconnection from others

疎外する, 排除的な

the act of intentionally keeping someone or something out of a particular group or activity

排除, 除外

to intentionally leave out or prevent someone or something from being part of a specific group, activity, or situation

除外する, 排除する

the policy of separating a group of people from the rest based on racial, sexual, or religious grounds and discriminating against them

隔離, 分離