ここでは、General Training IELTS 試験に必要な未遂と予防に関連するいくつかの英単語を学びます。
to make an effort or attempt to do or have something
試みる, やってみる
to try to complete or do something difficult
試みる, 挑戦する
to make a strong and continuous effort to achieve something
戦う, 闘う
to get away from captivity
逃げる, 脱出する
to escape danger or from a place
to intentionally stay away from or refuse contact with someone
避ける, 回避する
to escape from someone or somewhere
逃げる, 逃げ去る
to not let someone do something
防ぐ, 妨げる
to stop the flow or movement of something through somewhere
遮る, 阻止する
to act against something in order to reduce its effect
対抗する, 相殺する
to make a loud, sharp cry when one is feeling a strong emotion
叫ぶ, 悲鳴を上げる