in a way that is physically free from any tension or pain
快適に, 心地よく
in a way that one does not feel at ease physically or mentally
不快に, 居心地悪く
in a way that one feels comfortable, warm, and safe
心地よく, snugに
in a way that is easy, comfortable, or suitable for a particular purpose or situation
便利に, 簡単に
with no footwear or shoes on
裸足で, 靴なしで
without the ability to see
盲目的に, 見ることなく
in an unrushed, relaxed manner
ゆっくり, のんびり
in a way that one feels light-headed and unsteady
ふらふらと, めまいを感じながら
in a way that one is under the influence of alcohol and unsteady
酔っ払って, 酔った状態で
without motivation, energy, or speed
無気力に, だるそうに
with a sense of physical or mental tiredness
疲れ切って, 疲れた様子で
without calmness, peace, or ability to stay still
落ち着かずに, そわそわと
without strength or firmness
だらりと, 弱々しく