having a dark black color, resembling the hue of licorice candy, often used to describe a deep and rich shade of black

リコリスの黒, リコリスの色

having a deep black color with a glossy and smooth texture, often associated with the gemstone of the same name

オニキス, 深い黒

raisin black
of a dark purplish-black color, resembling the color of dried black grapes

レーズンブラック, ダークパープル

rich black
having a deep, dark black color that is often used in printing and design to create a darker and more intense black shade

濃い黒, リッチブラック

black olive
having a dark, purplish-black color resembling the color of ripe olives

ブラックオリーブ, ダークオリーブ

Charleston green
having a dark, almost black color with deep green undertones

チャールストン・グリーン, ダークグリーン

