
基本的な名詞 - 家具










Categorized Basic English Nouns

furniture with a usually flat surface on top of one or multiple legs that we can sit at or put things on



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a piece of furniture with shelves or drawers for storing or displaying things

キャビネット, 棚

キャビネット, 棚

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furniture we use for working, writing, reading, etc. that normally has a flat surface and drawers

机, デスク

机, デスク

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furniture with a back and often four legs that we can use for sitting



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a seat, often with four legs, that does not include a any support for one's back or arms

スツール, 背もたれのない椅子

スツール, 背もたれのない椅子

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a long and hard seat that is normally made of metal or wood and two or multiple people can sit on

ベンチ, 長椅子

ベンチ, 長椅子

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‌a board connected to a wall or a piece of furniture on which books are kept

本棚, 書庫

本棚, 書庫

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a piece of furniture containing several drawers, usually for keeping clothes

ドレッサー, 引き出しの家具

ドレッサー, 引き出しの家具

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a comfortable seat that has a back and two arms and enough space for two or multiple people to sit on

ソファ, カウチ

ソファ, カウチ

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a small, decorative piece of furniture that has a back and arms, and is designed to seat two or three people

カナペ, ソファ

カナペ, ソファ

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a piece of furniture that has a soft and comfortable area for two or more people to sit or rest on

ソファー, カウチ

ソファー, カウチ

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sofa bed

a sofa that is designed in a way that when unfolded forms a bed

ソファベッド, 寝椅子

ソファベッド, 寝椅子

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furniture we use to sleep on that normally has a frame and mattress



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a hanging piece of cloth or other materials that covers a window, opening, etc.

カーテン, 幕

カーテン, 幕

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a covering that blocks light or reduces its intensity, primarily used to cover the windows with

影, カーテン

影, カーテン

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a type of curtain that is long and thick

ドレープ, カーテン

ドレープ, カーテン

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a thick piece of woven cloth, used as a floor covering

カーペット, じゅうたん

カーペット, じゅうたん

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something we use to cover or decorate a part of the floor that is usually made of thick materials or animal skin

じゅうたん, マット

じゅうたん, マット

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a small piece of thick cloth-like material that is used to cover part of a floor, particularly in order to provide decoration

マット, 敷物

マット, 敷物

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an object put on the ground in front of a door, used for cleaning the shoes on

ドアマット, 靴を拭くマット

ドアマット, 靴を拭くマット

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a flat surface made of glass that people can see themselves in


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a shelf or frame with hooks or bars, etc. on which things can be put or hung

ラック, 棚

ラック, 棚

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an upholstered bench often built into a wall or used as built-in seating in a dining or kitchen area

アップホルスターされたベンチ, ベンチ

アップホルスターされたベンチ, ベンチ

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bar stool

a tall, narrow stool with a footrest, designed for seating at a bar or high counter

バースツール, 高いスツール

バースツール, 高いスツール

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deck chair

a type of folding chair designed for outdoor use, typically with a frame of wood or metal and a fabric or canvas seat and back that can be adjusted to recline

デッキチェア, アウトドアチェア

デッキチェア, アウトドアチェア

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a French armchair with open sides, upholstered seat, back, and arms, and exposed wood frames

アームチェア, 椅子

アームチェア, 椅子

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a low upholstered seat or footstool without a back or arms

オットマン, 足置き

オットマン, 足置き

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a soft and comfortable chair with a footrest and a back that can be adjusted to be set in a position one prefers

リクライナー, リクライニングチェア

リクライナー, リクライニングチェア

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a type of sofa or armchair with deep button tufting, rolled arms, and often made of leather

チェスターフィールド, チェスターフィールドソファ

チェスターフィールド, チェスターフィールドソファ

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day bed

a bed that is designed to function as a seating area during the day and as a bed for sleeping at night, typically featuring a twin-sized mattress and a frame with a backrest and armrests

デイベッド, 昼用ベッド

デイベッド, 昼用ベッド

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end table

a small table that is often situated next to a sofa or other furniture

エンドテーブル, サイドテーブル

エンドテーブル, サイドテーブル

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china cabinet

a type of cabinet used to store and display china dishes and other collectibles

チャイナキャビネット, 食器棚

チャイナキャビネット, 食器棚

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medicine cabinet

a small cabinet with shelves behind a mirrored door, used for storing medicines and first aid supplies

 medicine cabinet,  薬棚

medicine cabinet, 薬棚

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a piece of furniture used for storing dishes, table linens, and other dining or serving items

バッフェ, サイドボード

バッフェ, サイドボード

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a type of window covering, often made of cloth, that can be rolled up and down

ブラインド, カーテン

ブラインド, カーテン

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a type of small writing desk with a slanted top that opens to reveal a flat writing surface and drawers or compartments for storage

ダベンポート, 執筆用デスク

ダベンポート, 執筆用デスク

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changing table

a table designed for changing babies' diapers, often with storage for supplies

おむつ替えテーブル, おむつ交換台

おむつ替えテーブル, おむつ交換台

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a small, decorative table with a hinged or removable top, often used for storing tea or other small items, and commonly found in Indian and Southeast Asian homes

ティーポットテーブル, ティーボイ

ティーポットテーブル, ティーボイ

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chaise longue

a long, upholstered seat for reclining, with a backrest at one end and a raised section for supporting the legs and feet

長椅子, カウチ

長椅子, カウチ

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coffee table

a low table, often placed in a living room, on which magazines, cups, etc. can be placed

コーヒーテーブル, センターテーブル

コーヒーテーブル, センターテーブル

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dining table

a table on which people have meals

ダイニングテーブル, 食卓

ダイニングテーブル, 食卓

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a small table or cabinet next to a bed for storing personal items, often with drawers or shelves

ナイトスタンド, ベッドサイドテーブル

ナイトスタンド, ベッドサイドテーブル

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dressing table

a low, mirrored table, often with drawers, that is used to see oneself when grooming or dressing oneself

ドレッシングテーブル, 化粧台

ドレッシングテーブル, 化粧台

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a chair with side supports for the arms and a comfortable backrest, often used for relaxation or reading

アームチェア, 肘掛け椅子

アームチェア, 肘掛け椅子

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a piece of furniture, often kept in a dining room, in which people store necessary things such as dishes and cutlery when they want to serve a meal

バフェ, 食器棚

バフェ, 食器棚

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a table with a narrow horizontal surface over which goods are put or people are served

カウンター, テーブル

カウンター, テーブル

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entertainment center

a furniture unit designed for organizing and storing electronic entertainment devices

エンターテイメントセンター, エンターテイメント家具

エンターテイメントセンター, エンターテイメント家具

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a sliding box-shaped piece of furniture found within a desk, dresser, or cabinet, used for organizing and storing items

引き出し, ドロワー

引き出し, ドロワー

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a piece of furniture with shelves and doors, usually built into a wall, designed for storing things like foods, dishes, etc.

戸棚, キャビネット

戸棚, キャビネット

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a type of dense, durable, and woven carpet

モケット, モケットカーペット

モケット, モケットカーペット

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