
動物 - 動物の鳴き声










Words Related to Animals
to squeak

to make a short high-pitched noise or cry

キーキーと鳴く, きしむ

キーキーと鳴く, きしむ

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to buzz

to make a low and continuous humming or vibrating sound, like the sound of a bee or a motor

ブンブン鳴る, 振動する

ブンブン鳴る, 振動する

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to hum

to make a low, continuous, and steady sound

ハミングする, 唸る

ハミングする, 唸る

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to moo

to make a long deep sound such as a cow

モーッと鳴く, モーとする

モーッと鳴く, モーとする

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to tweet

to make a short high sound characteristic of a bird

さえずる, 歌う

さえずる, 歌う

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to sing

(of birds) to make high-pitched and pleasing sounds

歌う, うたう

歌う, うたう

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to chirp

to utter the short sharp sound characteristic of a bird or an insect

さえずる, チュンチュン鳴く

さえずる, チュンチュン鳴く

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to hoot

to make a deep call characteristic of an owl

フクロウのように鳴く, 鳴く

フクロウのように鳴く, 鳴く

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to croak

(of a frog or raven) to make a harsh noise

クワックする, かえる鳴きする

クワックする, かえる鳴きする

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to woof

(of a dog) to make a loud noise

ワンワン吠える, 吠える

ワンワン吠える, 吠える

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to gaggle

to utter a sound, as of a goose

ガーガー鳴く, ガーと鳴く

ガーガー鳴く, ガーと鳴く

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the characteristic sound made by sheep, goats, or other similar animals

鳴き声, メー

鳴き声, メー

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to growl

(of animals, particularly dogs) to make a rumbling sound from the throat as a sign of warning

うなる, 唸る

うなる, 唸る

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to cackle

to make a harsh, sharp, and raucous vocalization characteristic of hens after laying an egg or when disturbed

カーカー鳴く, ケッケッと鳴く

カーカー鳴く, ケッケッと鳴く

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to quack

to make the characteristic sound of a duck

クワックする, ガーガー鳴く

クワックする, ガーガー鳴く

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to coo

to utter a murmuring sound, as of pigeons or doves

クークーする, 鳴く

クークーする, 鳴く

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to caw

to make the characteristic harsh, guttural cry of a crow or raven

カカカと鳴く, カーカー鳴く

カカカと鳴く, カーカー鳴く

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to baa

to make the sheep sound

メーと鳴く, 鳴く

メーと鳴く, 鳴く

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to roar

to make a full loud noise characteristic of a lion or another wild animal

吠える, うなる

吠える, うなる

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(of an animal such as a dog) a growling sound with display of teeth

うなり声, うなり

うなり声, うなり

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to howl

(of an animal such as a dog or wolf) to make a loud and prolonged sound or cry

遠吠えする, うなる

遠吠えする, うなる

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to purr

(of cats) to make a prolonged low sound as a sign of content



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to bark

to make a short, loud sound that is typical of a dog

吠える, バウバウする

吠える, バウバウする

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to cluck

(of a hen) to make a glottal sound characteristic of a hen

コッコーする, クッカクする

コッコーする, クッカクする

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to creak

to make a harsh, high-pitched sound when something rubs against or moves against another surface that is rough or rusty

きしむ, きしきし音を立てる

きしむ, きしきし音を立てる

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to snort

(of an animal) to make a sudden rough sound by exhaling hard through the nose as a sign of excitement or agitation

いななく, 鼻を鳴らす

いななく, 鼻を鳴らす

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to meow

to make a crying sound, such as a cat

ニャーと鳴く, ミャーと鳴く

ニャーと鳴く, ミャーと鳴く

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to neigh

to make a high-pitched sound of a horse

 鳴く,  鳴らす

鳴く, 鳴らす

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to gobble

to make a rapid, throaty, and guttural noise made in a series of gurgling clucks sound

ゴロゴロ鳴る, がみがみ鳴く

ゴロゴロ鳴る, がみがみ鳴く

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to hiss

to make a sharp, prolonged sound, usually produced by forcing air through the mouth

 hissu, シュー音を立てる

hissu, シュー音を立てる

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to squawk

to make a harsh sudden scream

わめく, 鳴く

わめく, 鳴く

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to bellow

to emit a deep, loud roar or cry, typically from a large animal such as a bull

ほえる, うなる

ほえる, うなる

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to oink

to make a short, grunting, low-pitched and nasal sound similar to that of a pig

ブーブー鳴く, 豚のように鳴く

ブーブー鳴く, 豚のように鳴く

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to shriek

to produce a loud, high-pitched sound, often due to fear, surprise, or excitement

叫ぶ, 悲鳴を上げる

叫ぶ, 悲鳴を上げる

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to call

(of a bird or an animal) to produce a characteristic sound

呼ぶ, 鳴く

呼ぶ, 鳴く

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to twitter

to utter successive high sounds characteristic of a bird

さえずる, つぶやく

さえずる, つぶやく

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to grunt

(of animals, especially pigs) to make a low sound from the nose and throat

グルルと鳴く, うめく

グルルと鳴く, うめく

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to bray

to make a loud, harsh, and unpleasant sound like that of a donkey

ひひんと鳴く, 鳴く

ひひんと鳴く, 鳴く

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to click

to emit a short, sharp sound like that of a hen

クリックする, カチッと音を立てる

クリックする, カチッと音を立てる

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to whimper

to make low crying sounds out of fear, pain or sadness

泣く, うめく

泣く, うめく

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to whinny

to make high-pitched neighing sound like that of a a horse, especially when it is excited or trying to communicate with other horses

ヒンヒン鳴く, いななく

ヒンヒン鳴く, いななく

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to yelp

to give a quick sharp cry, usually as an indication of pain or excitement, as a dog might do

吠える, 叫ぶ

吠える, 叫ぶ

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an onomatopoeic phrase that imitates the crowing sound made by a rooster

コケコッコー, コッコー

コケコッコー, コッコー

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to drum

to produce a rapid and regular succession of beats, like that of a cockatoo

叩く, 演奏する

叩く, 演奏する

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to squeal

to make a long high cry such as a pig

キーキー鳴く, 絶叫する

キーキー鳴く, 絶叫する

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to screech

to make a loud, harsh, piercing sound, like that of tires sliding on pavement

叫ぶ, 悲鳴を上げる

叫ぶ, 悲鳴を上げる

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to low

to make the characteristic deep sound of cattle or other large animals, such as a cow's moo or a bull's bellow

鳴く, 低く吠える

鳴く, 低く吠える

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to warble

(of a bird) to produce a melodious, trilling, or warbling song with a series of varying notes and pitches

さえずる, 歌う

さえずる, 歌う

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to pipe

to produce a high-pitched sound like that of a bird

口笛を吹く, 歌う

口笛を吹く, 歌う

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to whoop

to utter a loud cry or shout, typically as an expression of excitement or triumph

叫ぶ, 大声で叫ぶ

叫ぶ, 大声で叫ぶ

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to gibber

to speak rapidly and unintelligibly, often producing meaningless sounds

つぶやく, つんく病

つぶやく, つんく病

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tu-whit tu-whoo

the hooting sound made by an owl, often used in literature and media to symbolize the presence of an owl

フクロウの鳴き声, ウィッウィー

フクロウの鳴き声, ウィッウィー

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