ACT試験のリテラシー - 手動アクション
ここでは、ACT のエースに役立つ「レスト」、「ストローク」、「構成」など、手動アクションに関連するいくつかの英単語を学びます。
to scribble
to write hastily or carelessly without giving attention to legibility or form

落書きする, 走り書きする

to annotate
to add notes that explain or comment on something, such as a text, document, or image

注釈をつける, コメントする

to prod
to jab or poke a person or thing with a finger, stick, or other pointed object to get their attention or make them do something

突く, 押す

to etch
to cut or carve designs or writings on a hard surface, often using acid or a laser beam

エッチングする, 彫刻する

to intertwine
to twist or weave together, creating a complex and interconnected structure

絡み合う, 組み合わせる

to nudge
to gently push or prod someone or something, often to get attention or suggest a course of action

そっと押す, 軽く突く

