
책 Solutions - 중급 - 1호 - 1E

여기서는 "fit in with", "turn into", "get up to" 등과 같은 Solutions Intermediate 코스북의 Unit 1 - 1E에 나오는 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.









학습 시작
Solutions - Intermediate
to run out of

to finish all of something and not have anymore

to look up

to try to find information in a dictionary, computer, etc.



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to look up to

to have a great deal of respect, admiration, or esteem for someone

to get away

to escape from someone or somewhere

새 나가다

새 나가다

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to get away with

to escape punishment for one's wrong actions

새 나가다

새 나가다

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to make up

to create a false or fictional story or information

사실을 조작하다

사실을 조작하다

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to make up for

to do something in order to replace something lost or fix something damaged

뭔가를 보충하다

뭔가를 보충하다

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to get up

to get on our feet and stand up

일어나 다

일어나 다

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to get up to

to be involved in an activity, often something surprising or unpleasant

to go in

to enter a place, building, or location



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to go back

to return to a previous location, position, or state



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to go back on a promise

to fail to keep or fulfill a commitment or assurance made to someone

약속을 지키지 못했을 때

약속을 지키지 못했을 때

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to give up

to stop trying when faced with failures or difficulties

to turn into

to change and become something else

로 변신

로 변신

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to set off

to make something operate, especially by accident

무언가를 활성화하다

무언가를 활성화하다

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to blow up

to cause something to explode

뭔가를 불고

뭔가를 불고

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to pass out

to lose consciousness



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to take up

to occupy a particular amount of space or time

to live up to

to fulfill expectations or standards set by oneself or others

(약속이나 기대를) 이행하다

(약속이나 기대를) 이행하다

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to walk out

to leave suddenly, especially to show discontent

갑자기 떠나다

갑자기 떠나다

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to fit in with

to be compatible or harmonious with someone or something else

to get on

to have a good, friendly, or smooth relationship with a person, group, or animal

to sign up

to sign a contract agreeing to do a job

계약서에 서명하다

계약서에 서명하다

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to catch up

to reach the same level or status as someone or something else, especially after falling behind



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to go through with

to complete a planned or promised action, even if it is difficult or undesirable

뭔가 마무리

뭔가 마무리

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to put up with

to tolerate something or someone unpleasant, often without complaining

무언가를 견디다

무언가를 견디다

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to fit in

to be socially fit for or belong within a particular group or environment

to go back on one's word

to fail to keep a promise or commitment that was previously made

약속을 지키지 않는 것

약속을 지키지 않는 것

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