책 Solutions - 중급 - 2호기 - 2C
여기서는 "첨가물", "영양소", "볶음" 등과 같은 솔루션 중급 코스북의 단원 2 - 2C의 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
a variety of dishes originating from South Asia, typically made with meat, vegetables, etc., cooked in a hot sauce and then served with rice

커리, 카레 요리

a food that is made by baking fruits, vegetables, or meat inside one or multiple layers of pastry

파이, 타르트

a mixture of usually raw vegetables, like lettuce, tomato, and cucumber, with a type of sauce and sometimes meat


a dish of vegetables or meat cooked at a low temperature in liquid in a closed container

스튜, 조림

the white liquid we get from cows, sheep, or goats that we drink and use for making cheese, butter, etc.


the common grain that is used in making flour, taken from a cereal grass which is green and tall

밀, 밀가루

an Italian food that is a mixture of flour, water, and at times eggs formed it into different shapes, typically eaten with a sauce when cooked


a substance taken from animals or plants and then processed so that it can be used in cooking

지방, 지방산

a substance such as a vitamin, protein, fat, etc. that is essential for good health and growth

영양소, 영양 성분

a substance that is added in small quantities to something else to improve or preserve its quality, appearance, or effectiveness


a type of carbohydrate that cannot be broken down by the body and instead helps regulate bowel movements and maintain a healthy digestive system

섬유, 식이섬유