여기서는 Face2Face 초등학교 교재의 Unit 2 - 2A에서 "new", "cheap", "early" 등과 같은 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
recently invented, made, etc.
새로운, 최근의
of a particular age
오래된, 노인인
having a quality that is satisfying
좋은, 괜찮은
having a quality that is not satisfying
나쁜, 불만족스러운
having a low price
저렴한, 싸다
having a high price
비싼, 고가의
extremely pleasing to the mind or senses
아름다운, 멋진
not pleasant to the mind or senses
추한, 불쾌한
needing little skill or effort to do or understand
쉬운, 용이한
needing a lot of work or skill to do, understand, or deal with
어려운, 복잡한
above average in size or extent
큰, 거대한
below average in physical size
작은, 소형의
happening or done before the usual or scheduled time
이른, 조기
doing or happening after the time that is usual or expected
늦은, 지연된
having a high speed when doing something, especially moving
빠른, 재빠른
moving, happening, or being done at a speed that is low
느린, 느릿느릿한
still in the earlier stages of life
living in the later stages of life
늙은, 노인
(of a person) correct or justified in a situation or decision
옳은, 정당한
not based on facts or the truth
잘못된, 틀린
providing pleasure and enjoyment
멋진, 좋은
exceptionally large in degree or amount
거대한, 상당한
having a lot of value
중요한, 가치 있는
liked or preferred the most among the rest that are from the same category
좋아하는, 선호하는