
부와 성공 - 기회

"오늘 하나는 내일 두 개의 가치가 있다", "꽃은 한 번 이상 피어난다"와 같은 기회에 관한 영어 속담을 살펴보세요.







학습 시작
Wealth & Success
opportunity never knocks twice at any man's door

used to imply that one should be ready to seize opportunities when they arise, as they may not come again

기회는 어떤 사람의 문도 두 번 두드리지 않습니다

기회는 어떤 사람의 문도 두 번 두드리지 않습니다

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when life gives you lemons, make lemonade

used to imply that one should make the best of a difficult or unpleasant situation, and turn it into an opportunity for something positive

인생이 레몬을 주면 레모네이드를 만들어라

인생이 레몬을 주면 레모네이드를 만들어라

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mill cannot grind with water that is past

used to imply that opportunities are only valuable when acted upon in the present moment and cannot be regained once they have passed

맷돌은 지나간 물로 갈 수 없느니라

맷돌은 지나간 물로 갈 수 없느니라

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take the goods the gods provide

used to imply that one should utilize and enjoy good fortune or advantageous circumstances when they are presented, rather than taking them for granted or letting them go to waste

live for today for tomorrow never comes

used to emphasize the importance of enjoying the present moment and not postponing happiness or fulfillment for an uncertain future.

내일을 위해 오늘을 위해 살아라 결코 오지 않는다

내일을 위해 오늘을 위해 살아라 결코 오지 않는다

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a flower blooms more than once

used to imply opportunities in life are not limited to just one chance, but can recur again and again, encouraging people to stay optimistic and hopeful

꽃은 한 번 이상 핀다

꽃은 한 번 이상 핀다

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hoist your sail when the wind is fair

used to suggest that when conditions are favorable for success, one should act quickly to achieve their goals

every dog gets one bite

used to imply that everyone deserves a fair chance or opportunity to succeed or experience something, regardless of their past behavior or reputation

모든 개는 한입씩 먹습니다

모든 개는 한입씩 먹습니다

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when one door closes, another (one) opens

used to suggest that when an opportunity is missed or a situation does not work out as planned, there will always be new opportunities or options that arise

한쪽 문이 닫히면 다른 문이 열린다

한쪽 문이 닫히면 다른 문이 열린다

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one today is worth two tomorrows

used to suggest that the present moment is more valuable than the future, as taking action now can lead to greater rewards and benefits in the long term

오늘 하나는 내일 두 개의 가치가 있다

오늘 하나는 내일 두 개의 가치가 있다

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