시간 형용사는 사건의 시간적, 연대적 측면과 특성을 설명합니다.
done or existed before the present time
과거의, 지난
occurring or existing right at this moment
현재의, 지금의
coming in to existence or happening after this moment
미래의, 앞으로 올
currently happening
진행 중, 현재 진행 중
expected or required to happen or arrive at a certain time
예정된, 기대되는
occurring slowly and step-by-step over a long period of time
점진적인, 서서히 일어나는
during a single night
하룻밤 사이에, 하룻밤 동안
related to or happening during the night
야행성의, 밤의
in a manner that is well-timed
시의적절하게, 적시
happening at the end of a process or a particular period of time
최종적인, 궁극적인
happening earlier than expected or usual
조기, 너무 빠른
taking place at precisely the same time
동시의, 동시에
not paid, done, etc. within the required or expected timeframe
연체된, 지불하지 않은
intended to last only until something permanent is presented
임시의, 비상적인
organized according to the order that the events occurred in
연대순의, 시간 순서의
referring to the period or the things existing or happening after a war has ended
전후의, 전쟁 이후의