이러한 형용사는 특정 감정이나 행동의 상당한 정도나 영향을 강조하면서 강하거나 고양된 자질의 존재를 설명합니다.
used to emphasize the remarkable degree or quality of something
그런, 그와 같은
very extreme or great
강렬한, 극심한
complete and total, with no imperfections or exceptions
절대적인, 완전한
very bad, harsh, or intense
심각한, 가혹한
extremely violent and cruel
잔인한, 극악한
emphasizing the intensity or pureness of a particular quality or emotion
순수한, 절대적인
(of a person) never stopping or giving up
무자비한, 계속되는
involving a lot of effort, attention, and activity in a short period of time
violent and very unkind
악랄한, 잔인한
commanding great respect or fear due to having exceptional strength, excellence, or capabilities
강력한, 인상적인
completely bare or extreme, without any embellishment or disguise
벌거벗은, 극단적인
extreme and with a serious effect
극단적인, 심각한
complete and without any reservation or hesitation
완전한, 절대적인
surprising or stunning in appearance or effect
극적인, 인상적인
extremely aggressive or intense in appearance or behavior
사나운, 맹렬한
having a wide range of effects or impacts
폭넓은, 광범위한
incapable of being accomplished, surpassed, or dealt with
극복할 수 없는, 이겨낼 수 없는
signifying the highest degree, level, or extent of something
최고의, 극도의
wild and violent in behavior, nature, or appearance
야만적인, 잔인한
causing widespread destruction
재앙적인, 총체적 파괴의