used to emphasize the remarkable degree or quality of something
そんな, そのような
very extreme or great
強烈な, 激しい
complete and total, with no imperfections or exceptions
絶対的な, 完全な
very bad, harsh, or intense
厳しい, 深刻な
extremely violent and cruel
残忍な, 凶暴な
emphasizing the intensity or pureness of a particular quality or emotion
純粋な, 単純な
(of a person) never stopping or giving up
relentlessness, 容赦ない
involving a lot of effort, attention, and activity in a short period of time
violent and very unkind
commanding great respect or fear due to having exceptional strength, excellence, or capabilities
畏敬すべき, 素晴らしい
completely bare or extreme, without any embellishment or disguise
むき出しの, 極端な
extreme and with a serious effect
劇的な, 極端な
complete and without any reservation or hesitation
完全な, 断固とした
surprising or stunning in appearance or effect
劇的, 印象的
extremely aggressive or intense in appearance or behavior
獰猛な, 凶暴な
having a wide range of effects or impacts
広範な, 幅広い
incapable of being accomplished, surpassed, or dealt with
克服できない, 超えられない
signifying the highest degree, level, or extent of something
最大限, 究極
wild and violent in behavior, nature, or appearance
野蛮な, 凶暴な
causing widespread destruction
大 catastrophic, 破滅的な