
'Make- Take- Have'의 연어 - 행동과 행동(Make)

"make a point" 및 "make a 습관"과 같은 'Make'가 포함된 영어 연어가 어떻게 영어로 행동과 행위를 표현하는지 알아보세요.









학습 시작
Verb Collocations With 'Make- Take- Have'
to make a break for

to attempt to escape quickly or suddenly from a situation or place

누군가 또는 어딘가로부터 탈출을 시도하는 중

누군가 또는 어딘가로부터 탈출을 시도하는 중

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to make a contribution

to provide assistance, support, or something valuable to a cause, organization, or effort

개인이나 조직에 기여

개인이나 조직에 기여

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to make a discovery

to find or identify something new or previously unknown, often through research, exploration, or investigation

뭔가를 발견하다

뭔가를 발견하다

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to make a fuss

to react with excessive or unnecessary attention or agitation about something

소란을 피우다

소란을 피우다

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to make a habit of

to regularly or repeatedly do something as part of one's routine or behavior

습관을 들이는 것

습관을 들이는 것

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to make a journey

to travel from one place to another, often involving a significant distance

여행을 하다

여행을 하다

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to make a move

to take action in order to achieve something

기다리기보다는 뭔가를 해보자

기다리기보다는 뭔가를 해보자

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to make a note

to record or write down something for the purpose of remembering it or referring to it later

무언가를 적다

무언가를 적다

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to make a point

to emphasize, express, or communicate a specific idea or argument

뭔가를 강조

뭔가를 강조

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to make a promise

to commit to doing something in the future



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to make a request

to ask for something or express a desire for someone to do something

뭔가를 요구하다

뭔가를 요구하다

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to make a reservation

to secure a place, seat, or accommodation in advance

어딘가에 예약하거나 뭔가

어딘가에 예약하거나 뭔가

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to make a stand

to take action to support or defend a position or opinion

무언가를 방어하기 위해 일어서는 것

무언가를 방어하기 위해 일어서는 것

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to make a suggestion

to propose a course of action for consideration

뭔가를 제안하다

뭔가를 제안하다

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to make a visit

to go to a place or location, typically for a short period, to see someone or something

장소를 방문하다

장소를 방문하다

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to make a wish

to express a desire for something to happen, often done before blowing out candles on a birthday cake

뭔가를 바라는

뭔가를 바라는

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to make an appointment

to set a specific time for a meeting, event, or service

약속을 정하다

약속을 정하다

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to make an arrangement

to organize something, often involving agreements or preparations

뭔가 정리

뭔가 정리

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to make an attempt

to try to do something, especially when the outcome is uncertain

뭔가를 하려고 하는 중

뭔가를 하려고 하는 중

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to make an effort

to try to do or accomplish something, particularly something difficult

뭔가를 하려고

뭔가를 하려고

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to make an escape

to successfully free oneself from a place or situation, often involving danger or confinement

어딘가에서 탈출

어딘가에서 탈출

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to make an exception

to treat a specific case differently from the usual rule or practice

누군가 또는 사물이 예외일 때

누군가 또는 사물이 예외일 때

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to make a calculation

to determine a value through mathematical means

뭔가를 계산하다

뭔가를 계산하다

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to make a charge

to apply a cost for a product, service, or transaction

무언가에 대한 수수료를 책정하다

무언가에 대한 수수료를 책정하다

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to make sth clear

to explain something in a way that is easy to understand

무언가를 단순화하거나 명확하게 하기

무언가를 단순화하거나 명확하게 하기

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to make fun of sb/sth

to ridicule someone or something in a teasing or humorous manner

누군가 또는 무언가를 조롱

누군가 또는 무언가를 조롱

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to make sth easy

to simplify a task or situation to make it more manageable

무언가를 단순화하다

무언가를 단순화하다

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to make sense

to be understandable in a way that is reasonable



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to make sth work

to ensure that a system, device, or plan functions as intended

무언가가 완벽하게 작동하는지 확인

무언가가 완벽하게 작동하는지 확인

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to make sure

to take steps to confirm if something is correct, safe, or properly arranged

뭔가 확신이 들다

뭔가 확신이 들다

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to make the bed

to arrange the bedding and pillows of a bed neatly, typically after waking up

침대 정리

침대 정리

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to make time

to set aside a period for a specific activity or purpose despite a busy schedule or other commitments

무언가를 위해 시간을 내다

무언가를 위해 시간을 내다

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to make trouble

to intentionally cause problems or difficulties

남에게 문제를 일으키다

남에게 문제를 일으키다

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to make a fire

to create flames for warmth or cooking by using various materials

불을 피우다

불을 피우다

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to make marriage

to formally agree to be married to someone



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to make do

to manage to continue doing something with only few available means or resources

최소한의 자원으로 무언가를 하는 것

최소한의 자원으로 무언가를 하는 것

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to make matters worse

to do something that makes an already bad situation worse

상황을 악화시키는 것

상황을 악화시키는 것

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to make a mistake

to perform an action that is incorrect or unintended, often resulting in an error or oversight

실수를 하다

실수를 하다

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to make a mess

to create disorder or untidiness in a particular area or environment

엉망으로 만들다

엉망으로 만들다

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to make a noise

to create unwanted, unpleasant, or loud sounds

소리를 내다

소리를 내다

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to make war

to use military forces and weapons to fight against nations, groups, or individuals

다른 나라나 사람들과 싸우다

다른 나라나 사람들과 싸우다

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to make number place

to achieve a specific ranking in a competition or event

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