
'Make- Take- Have'의 연어 - 감정과 상호작용(만들기)

감정과 상호 작용을 설명하기 위해 "Make Peace" 및 "Make a Demand"와 같은 예를 들어 'Make'로 영어 배열을 탐색해 보세요.









학습 시작
Verb Collocations With 'Make- Take- Have'
to make a (phone) call

to use a telephone or other communication device to start a phone conversation with someone

누군가에게 전화하기

누군가에게 전화하기

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to make a choice

to select one option or decision from several available alternatives or possibilities

선택을 하다

선택을 하다

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to make a comment

to express an opinion, remark, or statement about a particular topic, issue, or situation

댓글을 달다

댓글을 달다

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to make a complaint

to express dissatisfaction or criticism about something



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to make a confession

to admit or acknowledge one's wrongdoing, guilt, or a personal secret, typically to another person or authority



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to make a decision

to create or choose a course of action from various options after considering the available information and potential consequences

to make a demand

to request something firmly or forcefully

뭔가를 요구하다

뭔가를 요구하다

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to make a fool (out) of oneself

to embarrass oneself through foolish or silly actions, resulting in a loss of dignity or being perceived as ridiculous

어리석게 행동하다

어리석게 행동하다

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to make a fool (out) of sb

to do something to make someone appear silly or foolish

누군가를 어리석거나 어리석게 보이게 만드는 것

누군가를 어리석거나 어리석게 보이게 만드는 것

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to make an enemy

to do something that causes someone to dislike or be angry with you, often leading to a strained relationship

다른 사람을 적으로 만드는 것

다른 사람을 적으로 만드는 것

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to make love

to engage in a sexual or intimate act with a romantic partner

누군가와 섹스를 하다

누군가와 섹스를 하다

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to make one's acquaintance

to meet and become familiar with someone, often during a formal or initial introduction

누군가의 지인이 되어

누군가의 지인이 되어

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to make one's mind

to reach a decision or come to a conclusion after careful consideration and thought

최종 결정을 내리다

최종 결정을 내리다

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to make peace

to stop fighting with someone and become friendly with them

다른 사람과의 적대감 종료

다른 사람과의 적대감 종료

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to make an admission

to acknowledge a fact or truth, often related to one's actions, beliefs, or circumstances



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to make a joke

to tell a humorous story, anecdote, or statement with the intent to amuse others

농담을 하다

농담을 하다

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to make a joke (out) of sb/sth

to ridicule a subject or person using humor, often in a way that makes it seem less serious

누군가를 조롱하다

누군가를 조롱하다

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to make sb sad

to cause a negative emotional state or distress in another person

누군가를 슬프게 만드는

누군가를 슬프게 만드는

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to make an enquiry

to ask a question or seek information about something

뭔가에 대해 묻고

뭔가에 대해 묻고

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to make sb angry

to cause someone to feel very angry or bothered

누군가를 화나게 하다

누군가를 화나게 하다

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to make friends with sb

to build a positive relationship with a specific person, often by spending time together and getting to know each other

누군가와 친구가 되는 것

누군가와 친구가 되는 것

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to make a gesture

to communicate or express something using physical movements, often without words

신체적 몸짓을 통해 누군가와 의사소통하기

신체적 몸짓을 통해 누군가와 의사소통하기

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to make a prediction

to make an educated guess about a future event or outcome

뭔가를 예측

뭔가를 예측

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to make a proposal

to suggest an idea, plan, or course of action, often with the intention of seeking approval, support, or collaboration from others

아이디어나 계획을 제안하다

아이디어나 계획을 제안하다

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to make a remark

to comment or express an opinion or observation, often in a casual or brief manner

뭔가에 대해 논평하다

뭔가에 대해 논평하다

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to make a sound

to produce noise or a specific auditory sensation

소음을 내다

소음을 내다

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to make a speech

to deliver a formal or informal talk in front of others, often about a specific topic or idea

공개적으로 말하기

공개적으로 말하기

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to make a statement

to express a thought, opinion, or fact, often in a clear and direct manner

자신의 의견을 직접적으로 표현하는 것

자신의 의견을 직접적으로 표현하는 것

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to make a threat

to communicate an intent to harm or cause damage, often to intimidate someone

누군가를 위협하다

누군가를 위협하다

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to make an allusion

to reference or mention something indirectly to add depth or meaning to a statement or conversation

간접적으로 무언가를 언급하는 것

간접적으로 무언가를 언급하는 것

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to make an inquiry

to conduct a formal or official investigation or examination, often involving a detailed or systematic process

공식적으로 또는 공식적으로 무언가를 조사하는 중

공식적으로 또는 공식적으로 무언가를 조사하는 중

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to make an observation

to notice or remark on something based on what one perceives or witnesses

무언가에 주의를 기울이는 것

무언가에 주의를 기울이는 것

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to make contact

to connect with someone, often by reaching out through various means such as phone calls, emails, or in-person meetings

누군가에게 연락하는 중

누군가에게 연락하는 중

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to make a (big) thing (out) of sth

to make something appear much more important or serious than it actually is

뭔가를 과장하다

뭔가를 과장하다

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to make sb happy

to bring joy, satisfaction, or a positive emotional state to another person

누군가를 행복하게 하거나 만족하게 만드는 것

누군가를 행복하게 하거나 만족하게 만드는 것

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to make a difference

to have a very strong and noticeable effect on someone or something

매우 효과적이다

매우 효과적이다

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to make an impression

to create a memorable or lasting effect on someone or something

누군가의 마음에 영향을 미치다

누군가의 마음에 영향을 미치다

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