SAT 시험 필수 어휘 - 약점과 악화
여기서는 "brittle", "wither", "crumb" 등과 같은 약점 및 악화와 관련된 몇 가지 영어 단어를 배우게 되며 SAT에서 최고 점수를 획득하는 데 필요합니다.
to gradually decrease the effectiveness, confidence, or power of something or someone
약화시키다, 손상시키다
to decline, weaken, or deteriorate, often in terms of strength, vitality, or overall condition
시들다, 쇠퇴하다
to make something less forceful, potent, or intense by adding additional elements or substances
희석하다, 약화시키다
to gradually decrease in intensity, strength, importance, size, influence, etc.
줄어들다, 쇠퇴하다
to make a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling worse or more severe
악화시키다, 악화하다
to suppress, restrain, or hinder the growth, development, or intensity of something
억누르다, 제한하다
lacking strength or power, often feeling unable to act or influence a situation
무력한, helpless
easily broken, cracked, or shattered due to the lack of flexibility and resilience
부서지기 쉬운, 약한
a physical or mental condition that prevents a person from using some part of their body completely or learning something easily
장애, 불능
a flaw or weakness that reduces the quality or effectiveness of something or someone
단점, 약점