Boek Top Notch 3A - Unit 2 - Les 1
Hier vind je de woordenschat uit Unit 2 - Les 1 in het Top Notch 3A cursusboek, zoals "symptoom", "misselijk", "piepende ademhaling", enz.
a change in the normal condition of the body of a person, which is the sign of a disease


unable to keep one's balance and feeling as though everything is circling around one, caused by an illness or looking down from a high place

duizelig, vertigo

to breathe with difficulty, especially with a whistling or rattling sound

hijgen, piepen

the front part of the body between the neck and the stomach

borst, thorax

each of the parts above the legs and below the waist at either side of the body

heup, heup (anatomie)

each of the curved bones surrounding the chest to protect the organs inside

rib, ribben