Boek Insight - Upper-intermediate - Woordenschatinzicht 8
Hier vindt u de woorden uit Woordenschat Inzicht 8 in het Insight Upper-Intermediate cursusboek, zoals "instorten", "slachten", "verontrustend", enz.
to develop something using certain facts, ideas, situations, etc.

baseren op, steunen op

lack of equal distribution between two or more things, often resulting in an unfair situation

onevenwichtigheid, ongelijkheid

(of a construction) to fall down suddenly, particularly due to being damaged or weak

instorten, in elkaar storten

evoking a feeling of great respect, admiration, and sometimes fear, due to their impressive or majestic nature

indrukwekkend, ontzagwekkend

so numerous that it cannot be easily counted or quantified

ontelbaar, onmeetbaar

causing feelings of discomfort, sadness, or anxiety

ontzettend, verontrustend

causing admiration because of size, skill, importance, etc.

indrukwekkend, imposant

the killing of animals for food, often done on a large scale in industrial settings

slachting, bloedbad

food that is quickly prepared and served, such as hamburgers, pizzas, etc.

fastfood, snelle hap

the time in the middle of the day when we eat lunch

lunchtijd, de lunch

receiving a lot of love and attention from many people

populair, bemind

belonging to or following the methods or thoughts that are old as opposed to new or different ones

traditioneel, klassiek

a ceremony or event where two people are married

huwelijk, trouwceremonie

a large and formal meal for many people, often for a special event


a selection or variety of food or drink, often of a particular type or from a certain region

keuken, voedsel

to ask for something, especially food, drinks, services, etc. in a restaurant, bar, or shop

bestellen, vragen

a small meal that is usually eaten between the main meals or when there is not much time for cooking

snack, tussendoortje