Phrasal Verbs met 'Back', 'Through', 'With', 'At', & 'By' - Starten, voorkomen of uitstellen (Terug)
to bite back
to stop oneself from openly expressing true feelings or thoughts

onderdrukken, inhouden

to get back into
to re-engage in an activity or situation after being away from it for some time

teruggaan naar, herpakken

to get back to
to start again after taking a break or discontinuing an activity for a while

teruggaan naar, herbeginnen

to go back to
to resume or restart an activity that was previously interrupted or discontinued

teruggaan naar, herstarten

to hold back
to prevent someone or something from advancing or crossing a particular point

tegenhouden, inhouden

to keep back
to prevent a feeling, emotion, or reaction from being expressed or displayed

inhouden, onderdrukken

to put back
to reschedule an appointment or event for a later time or date

verzetten, uitstellen


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