Woorden Gerelateerd aan het Lichaam - Het hart
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met het hart, zoals "valve", "ventricle" en "auricle".
(anatomy) either of the two cavities of the upper part of the heart that pass blood to the ventricles


a specialized structure in the human body that controls the flow of fluids or substances in a specific direction

klep, ventiel

a heart chamber that receives deoxygenated blood from the body and pumps it to the right ventricle

rechter atrium, rechter hartboezem

a heart chamber that receives deoxygenated blood from the right atrium and pumps it to the lungs for oxygenation

rechter ventrikel, rechter hartventrikel

(anatomy) a chamber in the lower part of the heart that carries the blood from the auricles to the arteries


a heart chamber that receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and sends it to the left ventricle

linker atrium, linkerkamer

the heart chamber that receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium and pumps it into the aorta to be distributed throughout the body

linkerventrikel, linkerkamer

a heart valve consisting of three leaflets that regulates blood flow between the right atrium and right ventricle

tricuspidalis klep, driebladige klep

a heart valve that allows blood to flow from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery

pulmonalisklep, klep van de longslagader

a heart valve between the left atrium and left ventricle that regulates blood flow by opening and closing its two leaflets


a heart valve that regulates the flow of blood from the left ventricle to the aorta, the largest artery in the body

aortaklep, hartklep aorta

the outermost layer of the heart, providing protection and lubrication to facilitate its smooth functioning


the muscular layer of the heart responsible for its contraction and pumping action

myocardium, hartspierlaag

the thin layer of tissue that lines the inside of the heart chambers and valves


the point where the inferior and left borders of the heart meet, representing the tip of the left ventricle

apex, top