Wiskunde en Logica SAT - Causaliteit en intentionaliteit
Hier leer je enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met causaliteit en intentionaliteit, zoals "impulse", "elicit", "bane", enz. die je nodig hebt om je SATs te behalen.
to bring about or accelerate the occurrence of something, often resulting in unexpected or unfavorable consequences

versnellen, veroorzaken

to serve as the foundation or primary cause for something

ten grondslag liggen, de basis vormen

to put force on something or to use power in order to influence someone or something

uitoefenen, invloed uitoefenen

to invoke emotions, enthusiasm, or energy in people

animatie geven, enthousiasmeren

to be the person who leads something like an attack, campaign, movement, etc.

aanvoeren, leiden

to make something required due to specific circumstances

noodzakelijk maken, vereisen

the act of causing something to begin or occur

aanzetting, stimulering

something that triggers a reaction in various areas like psychology or physiology

prikkel, stimulus

the core principles or base upon which something is started, developed, calculated, or explained

fundament, basis

a theory or statement that acts as the foundation of an argument

premisse, veronderstelling

the result or consequence that follows from a previous action, event, or situation

uitkomst, resultaat

a thing that brings someone a great amount of misery or even death

ondergang, ellende

serving as a clear sign or signal of something

indicatief, aanduidend

leading to the desired goal or result by providing the right conditions

bevorderlijk, gunstig

happening without being planned or deliberately caused

onbedoeld, niet opzettelijk

in a manner that shows a lack of thought or consideration

onbedachtzaam, onoverwogen

a sudden strong urge or desire to do something, often without thinking or planning beforehand

impuls, aanstoot

the act of refusing to accept or obey something such as a plan, law, or change

verzet, tegenstand

not welcoming or willing to do something because it is undesirable

weigerachtig, terughoudend