ACT Engels en Wereldkennis - People
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met mensen, zoals "cohort", "quorum", "juvenile", enz., waarmee u uw ACT's kunt verbeteren.
a group of individuals, especially within a community or social setting

de mensen, de buren

a group of people with a shared characteristic, often studied or observed over a period of time


the general population or a large group of people within a society considered collectively

de massa, de bevolking

a procession or parade, typically consisting of a series of vehicles, horses, or people

cavalcade, processie

a group of people or vehicles moving forward in an organized and ceremonial manner

processie, parade

a group of military personnel stationed in a specific location or military base, often for the purpose of defending it

garnizoen, militaire eenheid

a military unit with a specific organizational structure and operational role within an army


a small group of people in a society who enjoy a lot of advantages because of their economic, intellectual, etc. superiority

de elite

a carefully arranged group of people or things brought together for a particular purpose

de line-up, de lijst

the minimum number of people that must be present for a meeting to officially begin or for decisions to be made


a person who visits unknown places to find out more about them

ontdekkingsreiziger, onderzoeker

an influential individual who inspires or enlightens others

lichtend voorbeeld, invloedrijke persoon

a wanderer who has no settled place to live and travels from place to place

vagabond, zwerver

someone who is sent to a foreign country to teach and talk about religion, particularly to persuade others to become a member of the Christian Church


a person who claims to have the ability to forsee the future or obtain insights about people or situations through paranormal senses

helderziende, ziener

a person who illegally hunts or catches wildlife, typically for profit or personal gain

stroper, illegale jager

someone who is very enthusiastic about a particular subject and knows a lot about it

fanaat, liefhebber

an individual with whom one has established a professional or personal relationship, typically for the purpose of obtaining information, assistance, etc.

contact, relatie

an individual, typically within a family setting, responsible for managing household tasks to create a comfortable and functional living environment

huishoudster, huisbeheerder

a person who behaves in a ridiculous or amusing way, often to entertain others

buffoon, grappenmaker

an individual who illegally and secretly imports or exports goods or people

smokkelaar, illegale

a person who is too ill or disabled to care for themselves or participate in normal activities

invalide, persoon met een beperking

a person, typically a child, who demonstrates exceptional talent or ability in a particular area, often beyond what is considered normal for their age

wonderkind, geniaal kind

all the people who will come after the current generation

nakomelings, nageslacht

someone who acts or serves as a substitute or representative on behalf of another person or entity, often in a legal or formal capacity

vervanger, vertegenwoordiger

someone who is not skilled or experienced enough for a specific activity

amateur, beginner

a male resident of a town or city, typically emphasizing a person's connection to and involvement in local community affairs

stadgenoot, inwoner

a nickname or alias that someone or something is known by, often used informally or affectionately

bijnaam, alias

relating to young people who have not reached adulthood yet

jeugdig, veryoungeren

having a great amount of bravery, charisma, and a sense of adventure

moedig, avontuurlijk

to give someone or something a nickname, often to show affection or to highlight a specific trait

een bijnaam geven, benoemen

to experience a reddening of the skin, typically in the face, due to emotions like embarrassment, excitement, or strong reactions

rood worden, blozen

(of individuals or communities) to be present in a particular area

populeren, bewonen

to attempt to repair something in an experimental or unskilled way

tinkeren, rommelen

to receive money, property, etc. from someone who has passed away

erfgen, erf ontvangen

to direct or participate in the management, organization, or execution of something

leiden, uitvoeren

to talk a lot about unimportant things and in a way that may seem foolish

babbelen, kletsen